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Letters to Editor, Sunday Independent, 3 Jan 2010
Bishop must go

Sir -- It's time for Martin Drennan, the Bishop of Galway, to resign. He was named in the Murphy report. I believe he will be forced to resign in the next few days or weeks, as sure as night follows day.

By waiting and hanging on and failing to accept responsibility, he is letting down the people in his diocese, the survivors of abuse and the family of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. He failed to act over many years or to respond properly to criminal acts against children. Has he yet said he was sorry for not doing his duty in the eyes of God? I have only a few words to say to Bishop Drennan.

In God's name, man, go now.

Brian Rafter,
Berkshire, England

Cleric needs our support

Sir -- The Murphy report mentions Bishop Drennan's name in connection with only one case. In that case suspicions and concerns (not allegations of child sexual abuse) about a certain Fr Guido were brought to Bishop Drennan's attention.

The Murphy report concludes about that particular case: "The archdiocese acted correctly in immediately addressing the concerns and suspicions in this case. It did everything possible to assist Fr Guido to address the issues of concern and, when it was clear that a limited ministry was not possible, it helped him to get started on another career." (Murphy report, p620)

If Bishop Drennan was involved in the neglect or cover up of allegations of child sexual abuse, then I would be also calling for his resignation. However, the current evidence backed by the Murphy report is that Bishop Drennan had behaved pro-actively for the protection and safety of children. Accepting this and his word to be true, I for one do not believe that his resignation would serve any purpose of justice, reform, or healing.

Please join with me in extending support to our Bishop Drennan in this difficult time.

Robert Fuller,
Renmore, Galway